Tuesday 13 August 2013

25 facts about Rebecka

I thought this would be a great way for everyone to get to know me I apologise in advance if you think this isn't very interesting.

25 facts about Rebecka 
1) I live in the north east of England 
2) I have just finished two years of college studying A-levels (extended project, history, dance, English literature and English language) 
3) my goal job is to work in a special educational school 
4) I am a dancer and have performed at the royal Albert hall
5) I would LOVE to live in Spain
6) I have the cutest dog in the world called Charlie
7) I live in jumpers they are just soo comfy
8) I am currently undecided on taking a gap year and I will eventually get to decide on Thursday (results day) eek! 
9) my hair is very long it's down to my hips
10) my hair is always changing color naturally, which I kind of like its unique 
11) only in the last year I have became interested in make-up and now it's a obsession!
12) I am addicted to primark I just love bargains!
13) I can NOT walk in heels but still insist on wearing them
14) I cannot leave the house without my eyebrows filled in
15) I have only ever had my eyebrows waxed at the benefit brow bar (I totally recommend)
16) my all time favorite film is bridesmaids 
17) I prefer Grease 2 to the original (strange I know)
18) I have an extra rib
19) when I was little I wanted to be a GB gymnast ( I can barely do the splits)
20) I have currently raised £1000 for cancer research and want this number to keep climbing! We can beat this together 
21) I don't like nandos (only person in the world?) 
22) I LOVE glee!!!
23) I wish I had curly hair (sigh) 
24) I could live on crisps and garlic sauce I'm a sucker for them!
25 in a week I am going to Greece on my first girly holiday

Hope you all enjoyed this and thank you for reading now you know a little more about me which is always helpful 
Love rebecka Kate x


  1. I love these kind of posts! That is so interesting that you have an extra rib. And WOW that is so beautiful that you have raised money for cancer research :)
    xx abitgraceful.blogspot.com
    p.s. thanks for your comment on my blog!!

    1. I actually really enjoyed posting it, its a nice way to allow people to get to know you without giving away personal information!
      And thank you its something i hope to continue for a long time its a passion of mine.
      thank you for your lovely comment x

  2. Great blog, thanks for browsing mine and commenting! Now following your blog! Just reading this and laughed as I am the only person i know who doesn't like nandos!

    Keep up the blogging :)

    Lucy xo

    1. Thank you so much you also have a new follower!
      I'm glad I have found someone else who doesn't like Nandos as my friends always get angry because I'm the only one that doesn't like it!

      Thanks for the comment sweetie xx
