Thursday 15 August 2013

Results day!

In the UK it is A-level results day which is a very big day as these determine what university you can attend and what subject you study. So first of all i would like to say a big Good luck to anyone receiving any results and and many congratulations! 

It may seem like results day is the be all and end all but i want to write this to show everyone that results don't define your future and they certainly don't define who you are!

I am a strong believer that results don't show intelligence which i know is very controversial. In my own opinion i believe that sometimes exams are luck you either revised it or you didn't, you may have revised for 2 months straight and got a C but the person who revised the morning before and hit lucky on the topic got an A (HOW IS THIS FAIR!?). But the fact is this is just life and you can either let it get to you or you embrace it! That person with the A in the next ten years might not have a job in their chosen career because they didn't have the commitment like you did believe me karma will get them!

Just remember that not everyone can be a straight A student and thats fine because what is best about the world is that we are all different. As long as you worked hard and are happy with your efforts than you simply cannot wish for any more! 

I want to put it out there no matter what you got a U or an A* im so proud of everyone because A levels are difficult I cant lie they are probably the hardest two years of my life so far but they help you move on with your life and further your career. 

So remember life is hard everything will be okay in the if its not okay, its not the end. 

Thank you for reading this 
love rebecka x


  1. I believe in the US these are called SAT's and I agree that they do not measure intelligence. Some people are simply better test-takers :)

    1. Yes I felt the need to do the blog because I know at times people can feel pressured to get a top mark but it doesn't always happen but I wanted to put it out there that its okay and that everyone gets their end result a different way
      Thank you for the comment x

  2. This is a great post! I felt the same when I got my A-Levels and my degree results!
    On another note I've just tagged you for a Liebster Award :) go & take a look on my blog for the rules/questions etc! :)
    steph xoxo

    1. Congrats on both your a level and degree results clever you!
      And thank you I will check out your blog x

  3. I agree with you that it's all down to chance, you just have to hope the question is on a topic you revised! But at university it gets worse because you have to make sure your lecturers like you, then you get good marks :P

    Hope you were pleased with your results!


    1. Thank you for the comment I can't comment on uni because I haven't started yet but I will keep that in mind!
      I am very happy with my results and I start uni in September!
      Thank you love Rebecka x

  4. I totally agree with this! It's not fair, I get so nervous and I revise for ages.

    Harian x.

    1. You sound exactly like me! I constantly revise and it never works out but some of my friends are straight A students and don't revise it isn't fair!
      Thank you for the comment sweetie x

  5. This is so sweet! And I totally agree, I think exams are more a test of memory than knowledge and definitely don't define you intelligence in any way!

    1. This is exactly my point and I wanted to put it out for everyone to see so that if people didn't get the grades they wanted they wouldn't feel down!

      Thank you for the comment lovely x
